What is Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis, or commonly known as excessive sweating, is a common disorder amongst an estimated 3% of the world’s population. Sadly many people will live their lives out never knowing why they have clammy hands, feet or sweat excessively under their arms.

There is no age limit for hyperhidrosis. This condition can affect any age even small babies can be affected. The condition varies from person to person and based on the severity of your condition, together with external influences like moods, nervousness and stress. One can either sweat intermittently with episodes of severe sweating or sweating on a constant basis which is also exaggerated by the summer months which causes one to sweat more due to the heat.

The most common areas to sweat is the underarms which is known as axillary hyperhidrosis. The palms and soles of the feet which is known as palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Hands and feet sweating can begin from a young age and underarm issues tend to start during adolescence. If left untreated or undiagnosed, the person can suffer with this condition for the rest of their lives. If lucky, as one ages, the condition can get less severe. Each individual is different.

Stress and nerves is a common effect when in meetings or presentations. Unfortunately this is when sweating on your hands and underarms can increase.
Reluctant to shake a persons hand?

Hyperhidrosis is a difficult condition and can cause embarrassment, upset and can lower one’s confidence and self-esteem. In the workplace and socially some people may even feel uncomfortable to shake or hold another person’s hand.

It unfortunately also interferes with holding a pen and writing as the grip on the pen is not good with a sweaty hand or the page gets damp.

Many people will sadly also find it very difficult to enjoy sports. Playing tennis, squash or any sport which requires you to hold equipment in your hands.

Another issue which some people have is wearing open shoes/sandals. Their feet perspire so much as there is no sock to soak up the perspiration. This causes one to slip terribly in open shoes and can look unsightly if wearing light coloured shoes which will show any sort of marks.

Excessive sweating also stains clothing and over time causes a bad odor which is difficult to get out of the material.

What Causes Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is the over-reaction of the eccrine sweat glands. There are numerous sweat glands on the feet, palms and armpits. Hyperhidrosis can also be caused by infectious diseases, neurologic or endocrine disorders, but many times it is hereditary and affects healthy individuals which simply have over active sweat glands.

Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

Individuals who sweat more than normal will usually first try stronger anti perspirants for underarms. There are also lotions for the hands and feet but these don’t often work very well and this leads the person back to square one.

There is also a more invasive option of having the sweat-glands under one’s arms removed, however this is a big operation and there can be serious side effects to the operation.

Botox (botulinum toxin)-A, which is well-known for cosmetic treatments can be used for excessive sweating under the arms, hands and feet. This option is very expensive, is painful and you are injecting a toxin into your body.

Finally one of the most successful treatments is IONTOPHORESIS, which is actually not well-known in South Africa but very popular in many countries overseas. An electrical device with very low amperage, variable voltage, together with an electrode and normal tap water, delivers mild electrical currents into the most affected areas of the body like the hand, feet and armpits.

Iontophoresis machine which is now locally manufactured.